Learning 4 Life
The Learning 4 Life Programme
At the Howard we recognise the importance of our pastoral care on the personal development of our students. This year we have extended the afternoon tutor sessions (Learning4Life) to ensure our students are able to fully benefit from their daily contact with their form tutor. During this time, students participate in various sessions:
Assemblies - these may be Year or House assemblies and are based on current events and topical themes, often linking in with British Values. External speakers are invited to present on key issues.
Life Skills - students learn through age-appropriate content which supports them in their personal development and helps prepare them for the future. Information about the topics covered in each year can be found below. These sessions cover aspects of the Personal Development curriculum.
Howie Owls (Years 7 & 8 only) - these sessions support student literacy skills and encourage reading.
Pre-read, read, respond (Years 9 & 10 only) - these sessions support student literacy skills and help develop skills in analysing unfamiliar texts.
Picture News - these sessions provide opportunities to engage with and discuss current news headlines.
Life Skills topics
Year 7
'Smart Moves': designed to support Year 7 in their transition from primary school
Healthy lifestyles: Encouraging positive physical and mental health
Actions and consequences: Introducing community values
Staying safe online: Raising awareness of online dangers
Exam ready: Explaining revision techniques for the end of year exams
Year 8
Healthy body and mind: Developing positive physical and mental health
Future options: Considering possible career choices and routes forward
Staying safe online: Creating support videos for online risks
British values: Linking individual values with those of the country
Financial responsibility: Learning how to manage and control money and assets
Year 9
Staying safe online: Linking online risks to behaviours and actions
Anti-racism: Discussing the issue of race in society
KS4 options: Supporting and guiding through the options process
Personal well-being: Practising techniques to support a healthy mind
Being a citizen: Identifying what it means to be a citizen in 21st century Britain
Career skills: Developing employability skills
Year 10
Wellbeing: Ensuring own positive mental health
Inclusivity: Raising awareness of the diversity of our society
Work experience: Introducing the work experience programme
Exam ready: Explaining how to improve outcomes through positive actions
Staying safe online: Linking online risks to behaviours and actions
What’s next?: Considering post-16 options and accessing support
Year 11
RSE (Relationship and Sex Education): Discussing variety of issues facing individuals in sexual relationships and sexual behaviours in wider society
Personal finance: Learning to manage an control financial assets
Drugs education: Discussing issues that face society and individuals relating to the use of drugs
Anti-racism: Discussing the issue of race in society