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The Howard Partnership Trust is a growing family of 13 schools in the South East of England. Our family includes Primary, Secondary and Special Schools and welcomes any school that shares our values and commitment to Bringing out the Best in each and every one of our children and young people. Visit website

Part of The Howard Partnership Trust

Careers education, information, advice and guidance


We will excel at “Bringing out the Best” in young people of all abilities and aptitudes and so increase their life chances for their future success and fulfilment.

At Howard of Effingham School, we value the impact of careers education highly and strive to continually adapt and evolve our offering.  We have a stable, structured careers programme ensuring that all students have access to quality information about future study and career options.  We ensure that care is taken to break down stereotypes of the past and support our students in their own choices.

In line with the Government’s statutory guidance we use the Gatsby Benchmarks to inform our careers programme.

  • All students have the opportunity to meet employers and learn more about different careers through our annual Careers Fair and topic-based careers evenings.
  • Links to careers are embedded into each curriculum area, and faculties utilise local links to provide career role-models from which students can learn.
  • There are visits to universities and colleges to increase studies aspirations and motivation to achieve their goals.
  • Students in all year groups participate in assemblies focusing on a range of future options pathways.
  • During Learning 4 Life, students are prepared for future success at each stage of their education.
  • All students have access to Unifrog (The Universal Destinations Platform).

Our own Careers Leader is available for drop-in sessions four days a week, and meetings can be requested with our external careers advisors for both students and parents.

If you are an employer who would like to participate in our Careers Fair or topic based careers evening, please contact our Careers Leader (

Year 7 - Discovering

Students in year 7 will have their curiosity sparked through access to “Unifrog” (The Universal destinations platform), igniting a passion for DISCOVERING information & knowledge regarding careers. They will spend time in Learning 4 Life looking into career opportunities and their individual personal skills.  They will have opportunities to learn from people in different industries through presentations and visits.

Year 8 - Exploring

In year 8, students continue to EXPLORE careers ideas using Unifrog and have discussions  linked to the local labour market .  They will be able to participate in the Children’s Business Fair (or Satro or both) and will participate in the Growing Aspirations Career Programme.

Year 9 - Investigating

Students will continue to INVESTIGATE and develop a wider knowledge and understanding of the World of Work and future options through their visit to the Surrey Careers show and WOW talks.  They will be able to discuss their Options in their Learning 4 Life sessions and will have the opportunity for careers coaching sessions.  Parents are encouraged to engage in the students’ choices at the Key Stage 4 Information Evening where independent careers advice is available.  Students will continue to build and grow a portfolio of experiences, skills and ideas regarding their futures through Uifrog. 

Year 10 - Experiencing

In year 10 students get to EXPERIENCE the world of work by participating in a week-long work experience programme.  During Learning 4 Life they will build on their previous years skills and start to bring their futures to life.  As a part of our “What’s Next” Programme there will be several assemblies delivered by local colleges inspiring students to think about their options. They will also attend a What’s Next presentation delivered by our external careers guidance provider (Innervate), and then complete a short support related questionnaire. Students will have the opportunity to discuss their ideas with our Independent Careers Advisor.  Parents are offered guidance to support their children at the Year 10 Parents Evening.  

Year 11 - Applying

Year 11 students will start to APPLY their What’s Next knowledge and continue to use Unifrog for its continued growth.

Time is spent in Learning 4 Life focusing on post-16 options to include apprenticeships, sixth forms courses and colleges.  Families are invited to the Sixth Form Open Evening to learn more about the A-levels and BTEC courses offered in the school.  Individual careers interviews continue throughout the year as part of the What’s next? Careers Programme.

Sixth Form - Consolidating and actualising

Students in our sixth form will now start to CONSOLIDATE & ACTUALISE their careers learning.  They are supported throughout their two years by way of structured learning in their tutorials focusing on the plethora of opportunities open to them.  External speakers are invited in regularly to ensure students have a broad perspective on the opportunities open to them.  The Careers Leader regularly updates students on labour market information and current apprenticeships.  Our careers advisors continue to support individuals throughout their time in sixth form, guiding them in their choices for their future.  The programme Unifrog is used to support students in making their applications for higher education. Year 12s will also have a Work Experience week where they will have the opportunity to consolidate their skills within a work setting.

Our Careers Leader is Mrs S Quick.

- telephone 01372 453694 ext. 793

- email

Our School Governor for Careers is Rachel Bell.

This information is reviewed annually in the summer term. 

Please click for our Provider Access Policy and our CEIAG Policy

LMI Bulletin